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Call for Paper Instructions

There are four streams of papers/posters acceptable for the NTC-2020 namely


  1. Academic Papers (5000 to 800 words with American Psychological Association Referencing Style (APS))

  2. Reflective Practices (About 5000 words in length, sharing praxis by practitioners)

  3. Case Studies (Narrative style with supporting data submitted in 3000-5000 words)

  4. Posters (Scientific Posters with standard templates)        



Guidelines for paper submission


  1. Abstract to be fully italicized text 12-point 'Times New Roman' 1.15 spacing, not exceeding 500 words.

  2. Full Paper- 12-Points Times New Roman for full text with Title (16-Point Times New Roman), Authors' names (12-Point Times New Roman), Designations, affiliations/addresses, telephone, email addresses ( 10-point Times New Roman)



NTC 2020 Important Dates


  1. For submission of Abstract & Full Text Paper/ Poster - 30 Nov 2020

  2. For Registration as Delegate – 5th December 2020



Paper Presentation Topics


9 Sub-Themes of Parallel Paper Presentation Sessions Chaired by Noted Multi-disciplinary Academicians. Participants can submit papers by <date> <Month> <year>. Standard Guidelines and Instructions have been provided on For additional queries, write to <email>.9 Sub-Themes of Parallel Paper Presentation Sessions Chaired by Noted Multi-disciplinary Academicians. Participants can submit papers by <date> <Month> <year>. Standard Guidelines and Instructions have been provided on For additional queries, write to <email>.


  1. Dealing with differences: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability

  2. Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary & Tran-disciplinary Education

  3. Transforming Higher Education Regulatory System

  4. SDG4 and NEP

  5. Borderless Education

  6. AI in Educational Technology: Present and Future

  7. Technology in Education: Need for indigenous solutions

  8. Impact of Foreign Universities in India

  9. Vocational Training and Sports Integration

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